Tuesday 22 September 2015


Grit you may be woulding what is grit? Grit is resilient and persistence. What is resilient? you may be asking resilient is when you get knocked down you get straight back up and try again

In my maths I didn't know how to solve this equation I tryed and tryed and I thought about giving up but I didn't I used grit then I got the answer.

I sometimes yous grit in class but most of the day time I don't because I get detractors  by people being silly.

Thursday 10 September 2015

What I learnt this week

This week I learnt how to round with decimals. You may be asking how do you round with decimals? This is the 5.37-1.28= 

Hook my read by jumping right into the arson

Bang the hard ball hit me in the grouthplant. I said “why Cobe just way” I dropped to the ground with thud. Coby ran to see if I was all right  he said “what happened”
I said “Coby you hit me in the the growth plate”
coby said “sorry I did not mean to hit you in the growth plate”
 I got up and I said “coach I can not do any more bating for the practice but I can do bolling if you want me to”

Thursday 13 August 2015

Image result for len lye centre universRoom 10 and Room 11 went to the the Len Lye centre on Friday last week.
Len Lye made amazing 3D sculpture and other cool pieces of art. The outside was covered in stainless steel the building.

The building looked like it was 50 meters high and I wonder how that change the light bulbs?The universe was my favourite piece of art.

I liked how it move on the bench in the bench there are electromagnets that made the universe move. Len lye style of art is really good because he did not copy other people's art he thought about how he could make his own piece of art.Image result for len lye centre univers

Tuesday 11 August 2015


Rome and the Colosseum age
Rome was one of the greatest and the mightiest empires of them all. The gladiators had no fear and they would execute each other and animals. My Doodle for Google is about gladiators and the Colosseum ages